
I usually like to kick off a new blog with an intro post. It’s an easy-ish way to get back into writing these damn things and it’s a good way to lay out, even if it’s just to myself, what I want to try to create here.

The bonus is that any readers get a bit of an idea of what to expect and can flee accordingly. In a lot of ways the internet is an even crazier space than it was when I first started blogging, so it feels a bit weird to be writing one now with my admittedly old-school ideas, but what the hell?

So…Welcome to Unnatural Creatures!

Who Am I?

I’m a 40-year-old, disabled person (she/her) who is composed of tea and snark. Aside from tea, I like naps, need indirect light and moderate temps to avoid wilting and have approximately 30 billion hobbies and interests.

What I Write About

This site is essentially a personal blog. I am not a brand. I am not an influencer. I am definitely not a “thought leader”. I don’t have a class or a self-paced video program or a book to sell you. YET.

While I love that the internet is allowing creative people of all stripes the opportunity to make money from their passions, their skills and their creativity, it’s also exhausting to me to see monetization become the expected norm. Google any info about how to make a blog and 99% of that info will center making money off said blog or using that platform to become an “expert” in any field.

I just want to have fun, meet some interesting folks, have some interesting conversations. From what I’ve seen on social media, I think that might be the biggest pipe dream of them all, but hey, hope springs eternal.

That said, I’ll write about…whatever interests me. Disability issues, sexuality, bad movie reviews, horrible attempts at poetry, taboo shit, philosophical/psychology pot shots, art, crafts and DIY projects and maybe even some personal views on religion, spirituality and what makes life worth living.

Disclaimer: Everything written here is written strictly and solely from my own personal experience and/or sociological/economic/ethnic- influenced point of view. If I’m relaying what someone else has told me, I will state that. I don’t claim to speak for any other viewpoint and/or group except my own.

What Does Unnatural Creatures Mean?

Okay, I’ll admit, when I first came up with the name, it wasn’t intended for a general blog. The name was conceived for an author site where I would sell my awesome books. When I do write, it’s almost always in the realm of Fantasy with maybe some Sci-Fi and Horror on the side. And I love writing and reading supernatural/fantasy/mythical creatures sooooo….there you go. But even when those dreams didn’t pan out (YET), I hung on the domain name for years. Reason? 1) It sounded cool and 2) It had another meaning to me.

I grew up in a… not fantastic situation. Pretty much everything I did, wore, said, liked was at some point deemed “weird” and “unnatural” for what was expected in my family/neighborhood/culture. Obvious result was me going through my life feeling like I was some kind of unnatural creature pretending to be human, pretending to normal… pretending to be worthy of friends, care, fun, etc.

Then I decided “fuck this” and started embracing my natural un-naturalness. And, really, that’s when I started seeing that a lot of things people consider “natural”… is a lot more murky, weird and unnatural then first realized.

Even more, I realized that the weird life is a good life, if you make it so.

Maybe we’re all Unnatural Creatures in this weird, weird world.

So again, welcome. I’m happy to have you here.

2 thoughts on “0

  1. It is so so good to have you back on the old internet. Your posts and unique perspective have been missed. YAY for blogs that have no monetary motives! YAY! YAY! YAY! 🙂

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